
August 5, 2018

What does "Intuition" Feel like?

Intuition...What Is It?

When some people think about intuition, they instantly know how to explain it:

"It's that tingly feeling you get in your arms!"


"It just comes over me, it's amazing!"


"It's a gut reaction I can't control!"

Now, if you're like those people, that's great -- it's wonderful to have such a developed intuitive ability!

But for others, hearing these things can make you doubt your connection to the Universe, because you may experience intuition differently.

Let me explain...

I was always the kind of woman who seemed to have everything together.

Picked up the kids on time, had dinner ready, and met my social obligations with time to spare.

And yet, something kept coming to mind, like an inch I couldn't scratch.

"Am I doing the things that make me happy?"


"Is there something I'm missing?"


"Maybe I should have kept pursuing my art classes..."

These thoughts would spring up while I was driving, shopping, even talking to my friends and family.

It sort of felt like a radio that I couldn't control tuning in or out of.

I was happy, but I couldn't tell if I was fulfilled.

I hadn't been inspired in years, going through the motions of my life with a smile but feeling a little empty at the end of the day.

And then I came across an article in one of my many magazine subscriptions.

It was called something like "The Hidden Intuitive," and I began reading.  At first casually, and then I couldn't control how fast my eyes started scanning the page.

It sounded JUST like me.

These women in the article were experiencing little nudges, tiny mental hints that they should start getting back to what they were passionate about...

Art, Music, Writing, Dancing...

As soon as I embraced that I was in fact intuitive, the messages started getting clearer:

"Say yes to that opportunity,"


"Stop doubting yourself and say what you feel,"


"Ask your husband to get the kids to bed -- tonight go to that dance class!"

I couldn't stop the flow of intuitive thoughts.

And now that I'm finally feeling truly happy again, I needed to share it in this blog post.

Hopefully anyone reading this can relate, even just a little, and know that they're not alone.

My main advice?  STOP believing you're NOT intuitive.  Because you are!

And here's the best part...

Once you KNOW you're intuitive, there some little-known techniques that can take your abilities to the next level.

Most people don't know that's possible, so I wanted to share a free presentation with you from my friend Heather Mathews.

She's an amazing person who's actually discovered the science behind abundance.

(Here's a teaser:  Ever heard of Destiny Tuning?  I didn't, until this presentation!)

View the Free Presentation Here!

(P.S. I'm super excited to be able to share this with you.  I don't know how long it will be available, so I recommend watching it as soon as you can!)